Why work with a Dave Ramsey Real Estate Professional?
They care about you more than the sale. Their agents inspire and serve their clients first. Getting to know you on a personal level allows them to give a solid recommendation to you and your family based on Ramsey's proven principles.
The Are Held to High Standards. ELPs close on more homes than 90% of other agents in their area. You'd never build a home without a blueprint. So why blindly buy or sell one without the best agent?
Your Values Are Their Values Too. You're not getting suckered into a deal you don't want. ELPs value relationships over money, they're fans of Ramsey and they know what role your home should play in your budget.
What is the Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) Program?
The ELP program is a nationwide service connecting people like you with the top 10% of real estate agents in their area for help with home buying and home selling. We only endorse trustworthy, high-caliber real estate agents who are well-respected in their communities. Through the ELP program, you will get instant access to the right real estate professional for your family.